Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Yumi Kim - Brand To Watch

While in New York, I spent a lot of time dipping in and out of some fab boutiques and designer showrooms. While my dear friend Dina was in town, I happened upon Yumi Kim after leaving Chinatown. Her stuff was soooooo cute.............and reasonable. It was towards the end of her summer 2010 season, so she was having some great sales. Her clothes were flirty, feminine, and fun, but not cheap quality (e.g. Forever 21, H&M - love their clothes, but sometimes the cost is soooo not worth the poor quality of materials). My favorite part about her line is that she offers the same patterns in different variations of tops, skirts, dresses, and jumpers. Here are some some pics of Ms. Designer herself and the celebs who rock her line. Check out the piece I bought for my closet!

The Designer - Kim Phan
Hayle Duff (left) and Jana Kramer (right)

Gabrielle Union
Lauren Conrad

Me rockin' Yumi Kim in Bryant Park.....Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Me being me.......EXTRA!!!!!!

Ebony and Ivory (my bestie of 20 years) at it again in NYC!

"Pose for the camera, now CLICK CLICK"

"Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say and not giving a damn."
Gore Vidal


  1. What is "reasonable" pricing mean?

  2. I think my outfit was around $100 on sale. Have you checked out the website? She has her fall merchandise up now!
