Monday, August 9, 2010

Artistic Expression vs. Plain Rude

We, the people of the fashion community, are always criticized for having no substance. Fashion outsiders think that all we know how to do is shop, create ensembles, and forecast trends (I do all 3 quite well myself). Vogue Italia set the record straight this week with their cover story "Water and Oil", an artistic spread depicting the catastrophic effect that the recent oil spill had on our friends in the ocean. Do they get kudos for "thinking"?!?! NO! Naysayers of the feature have stated that it is too soon for such a spread and that the content is a mockery of a horrible debacle. Personally, I think it was a masterpiece of artistic fashion imagery! The keyword here being ARTISTIC. Due to the oil and sludge, the clothing was indiscernible at times to even the most enthusiastic connoisseur of labels. But, the artistry was divine in my eyes. You have to reach people where they are, and Vogue Italia did an impeccable job of reaching the label whores who rather look at the Fall 2010 line from Givenchy instead of flip through the pages of the environmental rag Ecologist.

Picture it: a haute woman organizing her shoe closet on an early Saturday morning.............picks up her Fall 2009 red eel Yves St. Laurent...............admires it and reminisces on the joy it has brought her (twirling in her hand simultaneously)............thinks about how this coveted shoe might have never been had all the eels been killed by ocean pollution...........decides to wear them to a charity event supporting oil spill clean ups..............makes a very HEALTHY donation at the event.
Yes, this may seem fickle to most. But, I ask of you---WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HELP THE EELS?????? Now go sit in your closet and ponder on that!

Vogue Italia - August 2010 - "Water and Oil"

The jewelry used throughout the spread was from My Sister's Art. All pieces are handmade from recycled, repurposed rubber. See pics of additional pieces below!

"Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening."
Coco Chanel

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